Hachioji, Tokyo

About Me


Instead of using a bunch of adjectives in a biased way to describe myself, I would instead encourage you to interact with me so you can get a more accurate idea of who I am. However, below is a collection of info that I can share.
Wanna see my real face? Type 'please'!
Fine! Here it is! Jeez.
My face according to AI!

I'm Luke Allen

A Web Designer and Developer specialising in WordPress & Oxygen Builder.

I was raised in Leeds, UK and have been residing in Tokyo, Japan since 2013. I started out as an English Teacher and have slowly transitioned into website development, although I do still teach English privately over on TutorLuke. I have a wife who likes rating movies and we have a beautiful daughter called Millie. I also love weight training, and I track my stats and progress on Luke.Fitness


Hay Fever

Team Horde





 months & 


 day old.







Things I like


Web Dev

Web Design

Weight Training


Monster Energy





London Grime



What I'm doing right now


Since these lists show items that are happening right now, they are subject to change at any time. 



Web Designer/Developer
OxyNinja Support Manager
Business English Instructor
Online Snack Distribution Owner
Full-time Father 😅



I am working from home and still have many projects coming in.
I have stopped working at Gaba full time and now go to the office only around 4 times a month.
Still teaching private lessons every week, my clients are a select few and are all amazing.
I have recently gotten back into training after around 2 years of not exercising. Coronavirus really took its toll!

Future Plans


Quit my office job permanently.
Finish all outstanding personal projects by the end of 2023.
Start learning JavaScript (vanilla, ReactJS).
Buy an apartment.
Enter a bodybuilding competition



A list of personal projects. Some finished, and some that have been collecting digital dust for far too long!



What some top web devs say about me. Look, I promise I didn't pay them to say nice things!

As a web developer working with a wide range of different clients, I am reluctant to write a good testimonial. I spent 3+ years looking for someone I could pass overflow work to, someone I could trust, someone who worked hard and someone that was willing to learn.

To me Luke is a hidden gem, always willing to get stuck in and figure out a problem on his own before asking for help when needed. Coming from a design perspective, he will not disappoint, and coming from a developer perspective... well he just keeps learning and getting better. Luke is a great investment and asset to have working alongside you.

Taylor Drayson
Creative Director at The Creative Tinker

Working with Luke is a treat! He takes care of business in a very professional manner, and is so easy to work with. I appreciate everything he's doing for us at OxyNinja, and how amazingly well our business is taken care of.

David Babinec
Founder of OxyNinja and Motion.Page

Working with Luke in the field is a wonderful experience. Coming from another agency owner, his technical expertise and design skills are seriously impressive. Communication and technical skills are not often found together, but Luke definitely has both. I'd highly recommend working with him.

Jonathan Jernigan
Founder of APEX Web Solutions and Permaslug

Yo, check out this web developer, bruv. He's a real boss, innit. He knows his HTML from his CSS, and he can code up a storm. He's like a mastermind with a keyboard. Give him a pound mate, he's the best in the biz.

Bryn Barker
Front End Engineer

These people are just too kind to me and I don't know why, legends.

Definitely the best mushroom AI artist in the world. Regularly stealing his OxyNinja blocks to make me seem like a competent designer.

Madhatter of Blallo

Luke must be using the force to code his front end. This code is pure magic and his abilities rival that of a Code Jedi. He cuts through client briefs like a hot wielding lightsaber. If your website is in need for talent from outside of this universe, he's your man. He codes so fast it's almost like one of his hands is robotic. I'd pay a Millennium Falcon for his services.

Freelancer Web Developer
Made with ☕ and willpower
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